Managing Garbage from Homes: Options and Impacts
(Handout Part I for The Cost of the Toss)

(NOTE: Examples compare costs for a community of about 40,000 people producing 100 tons garbage/day, 5 days/week. Numbers presented are realistic but not specific to any one community. Other options and combinations of options exist.)
Option  No. of employees Landfill needs/yr. (cu. yards)
a. Landfill everything (landfill 15 mi. away
Collection - 40
Landfill - 2
Total - 42

52,000 yd
b. Voluntary recycling. Curbside pickup of: glass, newsprint, plastic, aluminum. Landfill remainder.
 Collection - 44
Recycling Center - 8
Landfill - 2
Total - 54

47,000 yd
c. Mandatory recycling (as is b. above)
Collection - 48
Recycling Center - 15
Landfill - 2
Total - 65

 42,000 yd
d. Mandatory composting of yard waste. Landfill remainder. (#s assume 1/2 yard waste is composted at home.)
Collection - 42
Composting - 1
Landfill - 2
Total - 45

 45,000 yd
e. Incinerate for energy recovery. Landfill ash and non-burnables. (incinerator in town)
Collection - 38
Incinerator - 12
Landfill - 1
Total - 51

 10,000 yd
The Cost Of The Toss
Trash Goes To School
Cornell Waste Management Institute